Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ladies Turn

I have let this go for a few weeks. Not intentionally, but because there have been so many other exciting things on the list and this kind of took a backseat, but no longer. The Bachelorette has hit the air. If you're unfamiliar, it's the female version of The Bachelor. The Bachelorette this time around is Ali, who was on The Bachelor last season. Towards the end of last season, she was given an ultimatum by her boss who said she either needed to leave the show and go back to work or stay on the show and lose her job. Well, she left the show and now regrets it so they gave her her own show. Since, she has quit her job in hopes of finding a husband and having no strings anywhere else in the world. I guess that's kind of romantic, but she's only 25 and there is still plenty of time to find love. Why would you quit your dream job just to find a lover? That seems a little extreme to me. There's someone out there for everyone. She would have found someone eventually. I guess fame means more to her than her dream job.

Anyway, Ali is not how I remember her from The Bachelor. She was sweet and sporty and super cute. Now, she's kind of annoying. Not going to lie. She's very aggressive, which I guess you have to be when you only have a few weeks to find a man to marry. She's just a totally different person. Like I said, it may be because she kind of has to be, but it's a little overwhelming for me when I watch her. I just want to sit her down and shove a chill pill down her throat.

I have seen scenes of what's to come this season and it seems pretty damn scary. Guys get really possessive and I guess that's what happens on the show. One guy begins to cut his wrist and kind of stalks her. Scary stuff. Another guy lies about having a girlfriend. I mean yeah, you need the drama for people to watch the show. It can't be soft and cuddly all the time, but how well does this show really work? Yeah, there have only been a few couples who realized the relationship couldn't work, but for the most part everyone stays together. I just wonder how anyone can find love with cameras in your face and drama ensuing around every corner. I don't know if I could do that. Anyway, if you get the chance to watch, let me know what you think.

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