Monday, June 14, 2010

World Cup Monday

Are you sick of the World Cup yet? Well, too bad because it's just getting started and it's still very exciting. This morning I was watching the Japan vs. Cameroon game and by the time I left for work, it was half time so I tuned into ESPN 710 radio because they cover the games. Well, for some reason they weren't covering it this morning and I was not very happy. To make it even worse, the news caster giving the news completely bashed soccer. He started off by saying he loves the sport and finds it fascinating and then went on to completely bash it. He was talking about how he hates when players try to tell him how complicated and intricate the sport is. He said that it wasn't intricate at all. Ball and net. Nothing intricate about that. Of course, by this point I'm yelling at the radio. Yeah soccer doesn't have fancy plays like football does, but it still requires a great level of skill and knowledge. Not anyone can run out on a soccer field and play perfectly. It takes years of practice, which he admitted to but he also went on to say how Americans are taught to use their hands and therefore the only position an American will be good at is goalie. He said that Americans play football and basketball and baseball because it requires hands. Americans don't plays soccer because we are never taught to do anything with our feet. He also went on to say how the American team sucks. First of all, the American team, before the World Cup even started was ranked number 15, yet they tied the England team who was ranked third. Tell me how that makes the American team suck. I will agree that the American team lacks a great level of skills these other countries possess, but you can't make a comment like that after they tied a very high ranked team.

So that was part of his rant this morning. The other part was about the horns the fans blow during the game making it sound like a huge swarm of bees. He said that because all these fans can do is blow a horn, the sport isn't anything special. What are the fans supposed to do, sit quietly like basketball fans and football fans. It's the culture of the sport. I seriously could have reached through the radio and killed this guy this morning. How dare you work as an announcer on a sports station and then bash the biggest sport in the entire world. It's not the biggest sporting event in the world because it lacks intricacy. Come one now. I hate when people suddenly become experts when 5 seconds ago, they didn't even watch the sport. Pisses me off.

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