Friday, May 7, 2010

Nonfail Blog Friday

I love art contests and photo contests and the like. We all have so many cool ideas in our heads, more than many of us give ourselves credit for, and I think these contests and projects really allow some people to shine. It also allows some of us to just have fun or a place to release. I love browsing Google Images for cool pictures. I always fine some really artsy stuff and I collect them. I either use them in blogs or just save them in a folder for a rainy day. I love how each picture speaks to everyone differently.

Recently, I was shown a sketch book project. You pick a theme or have the project creators pick one for you and then they send you a sketch book. You doodle or do whatever you want in the sketchbook and send it back and then it becomes part of the permanent collection at The Brooklyn Art Library. They even have a tour where the books are put on display for people to look at and even buy. It’s very exciting. I am definitely going to take part in this. I used to have to do something similar for my English class in high school so this will be fun. Happy artistic Friday!

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