Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Want To Live in the Hills

How did anyone let me go a week without talking about The Hills being back? This is the last season of The Hills and I’m sad. I’m going to miss the ridiculous drama. Heidi totally changed her face and now she’s kind of scary to look at so I won’t miss that, but the rest of the drama is too hard to pass up. Fights and break-ups and drugs and everything typical in the Hollywood spot light. I need my fix! But it’s MTV and I have no doubt they will have another show soon to replace it with even more drama to light up my life. Who doesn’t want to watch 20 something year olds making a million dollars per episode and then living in really nice houses? These kids are going to need to find jobs once the show stops filming. I want that kind of income just for creating unnecessary drama. How can I get my own MTV show that follows me around as I hang with my friends? They could film us on the swings at the park or playing catch or even watching a Disney movie. We are super exciting and need to be filmed!

Not only is this the last season, but the first episode was already super drama filled. Heidi started the season with 10 new changes to her body and her family completely disapproved and to top it off Spencer has completely fallen off his rocker. He surrounds himself with crystals and “good spirits” and all this crazy stuff. What the hell happened to Spencer and Heidi? Is this all created for the show? Spencer doesn’t look like a hobo anymore, so that’s good, but he’s insane right now. The latest episode from Tuesday shows just how crazy he’s become. He literally walks into his friend’s house hyperventilating over a fight he had with his sister and holds a crystal up to his forehead to calm him down. Crystals are typically used for healings and what not, but he takes it too far. I’m sure there’s even more craziness to come.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, sweetheart. No one can vouch for your strange addiction to this show. Except maybe Mush. But I'm not footing the bill for either one of you and your therapy sessions when this show ends. Suck it up and read a book. (Written for a grown-up.) Or watch Tool Academy! Now there's a guilty pleasure show I can get behind.

    Double standards, how I adore you.
