Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekend Movie - Iron Man 2

Iron Man 2 opened this weekend and of course my friends and I had to see it. I saw the first one not too long ago and liked it a lot so I was definitely not opposed to seeing the second one. Robert Downey Jr makes me happy. I’m sad that he has a dark past, but I guess it kind of comes with the territory, plus he seems to have cleaned himself up so it’s all good.

The movie was pretty awesome. I’m not going to lie. I love watching shit getting blown to pieces. There were some parts of the movie that were a little slow and I just wanted someone to blow something up, but otherwise the movie was very entertaining. I heard the movie has been getting bad reviews though. I wonder why. I mean, yeah it’s brainless and kind of ridiculous, but it’s based on a comic book. What can there be a bad review of? The movie is the 5th highest grossing 3 day opener of all time, so people obviously didn’t listen to what the stuck up critics had to say.

I’m in the process of building my Iron Man suit right now, actually. I’m going to use it to kill my boss and the people I work with and then help me get a better job. :) So did you hate it or love it?

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