Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's The End of The World as We Know It

I have been talking a little bit about the Apocalypse coming closer and closer, but I’m mostly joking. People thought all computers and technology were going to crash during Y2K and nothing happened because a lot of IT people were working around the clock to allow computers to transfer the date over. It was really no big deal and people freaked out anyway. Even if no one worked on the date transfer, I’m sure the world would have been just fine. Well now, people are saying the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012 meaning the world is going to end because the calendar ends when in actuality the calendar is a mathematical equation that never ends. People are also saying that phenomenons were predicted and every prediction has come true thus far causing an even bigger stir. I’m pretty sure we’re all going to be ok this time around as well, but there are a lot of people out there who have seen one too many end of the world movies and aren’t willing to take the risk.

Last night, I read an article in the LA Times about this guy who will be building underground bunkers in Barstow and selling them for an incredibly steep price of $1.7 million. These bunkers will be going 15 floors beneath the ground and they will be called “underground survival condos.” This makes me laugh a little. If the world does end, wouldn’t it explode from within or something? I mean, I would think the people underground would be harmed first, don’t you? I would think the core of the Earth would be the first to go if something were to actually happen. But one can also argue that the Earth survived when the dinosaurs were all killed off. Who knows. Bottom line is that people are going a little crazy. I’m still building my arc though.

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