Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Africa the Terrible

Yesterday while I was reading through I saw a story tile that caught my eye. I read it and became incredibly sad and then incredibly happy to live in the US even with all the horrible things that happen here. The story was about a gay couple in Malawi who were convicted of “gross indecency” and “unnatural acts” and because of this they could potentially face a jail sentence of 14 years. All because they are gay. What caught the attention of the authorities was the fact that the couple was holding an engagement ceremony at their house. So they weren’t even having sex or making out in public, they were just celebrating their love. And even if they were making out in public, I see couples doing that all the time. Last week at the Hollywood Bowl when the show let out, there was a straight couple right outside the exit sucking face. If it was a gay couple, all hell would have broken loose. Yes, gay marriage/acts are still frowned upon in the states, but no one would ever go to jail for it. The fact that this couple could potentially go to jail for committing “acts against nature” makes me sick. I have no words to describe how sad this makes me. It makes me wonder if tolerance for the homosexual community will ever happen.

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