Monday, May 17, 2010

Manic Monday

I was never really into history as much as I should have been considering both of my parents love history and received degrees in history. I guess I just had boring teachers in high school. I recently saw a commercial for a special on the History Channel about the history of America called "America The Story of Us." The commercial seemed like the special would be interesting because it didn’t seem like the typical history lesson. It seemed like it would touch upon events that wouldn’t otherwise be touched upon. When flipping the channels last night, I came across the special and I have to say that it was utterly fascinating. It talked about how steel came to be and how the extremely tall buildings in New York were made from this steel. It also discussed the lives of the workers who built these extremely tall buildings and the horrible working conditions. Another segment discussed how oil was discovered and drilled out of the grown and then how a big fire in a linen factory made it regulation to have fire exits. It was just awesome to see the ripple effect of events and why we do what we do now. It’s always been fascinating to me to know where something came from or why it came to be and this American history special definitely touches upon that subject. The special is being shown in segments and I highly recommend checking it out. There’s even a DVD of the entire special.

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