Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Deep Love

What would the world be like without people like Lindsay Lohan? Probably boring. I do have to admit that I completely forget about her sometimes until I open up and read my favorite Examiner's articles. All she talks about is Lohan and her insane family; mostly her dad. It just makes me very sad. Lohan had so much potential. She was pretty good in the remakes of Parent Trap and Freaky Friday. She has talent, but now it’s all covered up by drugs and alcohol. She looks awful. She has done awful things and she needs to delete her Twitter account before it gets worse. All I read is how she Tweeted something she shouldn’t have.

All of that aside, Lohan is said to be starring in a movie about Linda Lovelace. Most people know her as the star of Deep Throat and that’s all I knew of her until I saw the musical called Lovelace: A Rock Opera. I know, creative title.

Anyway, this musical was amazing! It was kind of like Hair and Rent combined only better. The story portrayed Lovelace and how she got roped into the porn industry. Such a sad story. After knowing all about Lovelace and the horrible life she had, I don’t think Lohan is the right fit. I think a stronger actress without crazy drug problems needs to play Lovelace. Originally they wanted Courtney Love for the role. Yeah, that’s better. NOT! Why can’t they think of someone who has a real career and talent? It just makes me so sad. This woman fought so hard to escape the porn industry and live a normal life with her daughter and then was killed in a car accident and they want someone like Lindsay Lohan or Courtney Love to relive that? Come on! I really hope they get their shit together and find an actress who will give Lovelace the portrayal she deserves.

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