Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Drugs Are Bad Mmmkay

So yesterday I get a call around 9am from my dad. He said he was driving in Beverly Hills past the court house and saw a million camera crews everywhere. Turns out it was all for Lindsay Lohan. If you're unaware, she failed to show up for her court date for drugs and booze because she was at the Cannes Film Festival and claimed someone stole her passport and therefore was unable to get to court. The judge of course called bullshit. So Lindsay finally made it to court yesterday and the judge sentenced her to wear some sort of monitor on her wrist. Of course, her lawyer said that wasn't possible because Lindsay was going to be filming a movie in Texas and has some photo shoots coming up and the monitor would cause her to miss of all that.

Here's the thing. Lindsay Lohan has done something bad and all she gets is a freaking monitor on her wrist and her lawyer fights against it? If this were any other Joe Schmo, I'm sure they would get the top offense. It pisses me off that celebrities can commit crimes and walk away with a slap on the wrist, all because they make a little bit more money than the rest of us. Lindsay Lohan needs to be locked in a facility with intense therapy away from Twitter and her parents and LA clubs. Will that ever happen? No, because she's a "celebrity." You can also look at the other side of the spectrum and say that some celebrities are put under the microscope too much.

For example, Michael Phelps took a hit from a bong and every big sponsor dropped him.

Tiger Woods had sex with a hand full of women and was dropped by his sponsors. If these were everyday people, no one would give a shit. Obviously, this is what you sign up for when you decide to pursue a career that could potentially give you quite a bit of recognition, but it's not fair either way. Either they don't get the punishment they deserve or they are way too criticized for something so ridiculous. It's a double edged sword here. So after that long rant, I think Lindsay needs to be in some sort of rehab facility. It's for her own good. Otherwise, all the prediction from people like Dr. Drew are going to come true. She is going to be dead by 30.

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