Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Show - Master Chorale

This weekend was a very busy weekend. Graduation parties and baby showers and Tupperware parties and somehow in the middle of all of that, I was able to see my very first show at the Disney Concert Hall, The Master Chorale. I drive by it everyday on the way to work, yet I have never been inside. I know all the controversy surrounding the building and who the architect is and I was always curious to know what it looked like inside. Let me tell you, it is freaking awesome. They spent a lot of money on that damn building. When you actually get into the house, the acoustics and lights and architecture are pretty amazing. There is 360 seating and every seat is a good seat. If you needed an emergency exit, some seats aren’t so great, but otherwise there was not a bad seat in the house. We sat behind the stage area and we got to watch the conductor the entire time. He was intense and that’s all that needed to be seen really. During the show, I would catch myself starring at the architecture in the room and the audience members across the way. Totally worth sitting in a funky spot.

On top of all that, The Master Chorale was pretty amazing. I’ve never been a big fan of choir music or even watching a choir for that matter, but this was just awesome. They sang a bunch of different songs. Folk Music, Spiritual Slave Music, etc. Some of the songs even had my mom bawling. The sound was just so pretty. It gave me goose bumps. Now I’m curious to see how an orchestra sounds in there.

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