Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't Let the Name Fool You

I’ve started watching more TV recently, which I’m not sure is a good thing or a bad thing. I used to only watch certain shows and nothing else and mainly because I didn’t really have much time on my hands to just sit and watch TV, but now that I have TiVo, TV watching is much easier. I have definitely broadened by TV watching as well. My schedule used to only consist of MTV reality shows and LAW and Order: SVU, but I’ve added a few more to the mix. There’s a show that just started last week called Happy Town that I’m kind of excited to sink my teeth in to. I’m not sure what the complete concept is yet because there’s only been one episode and you can never tell much from a pilot, but from what I’ve seen it looks pretty interesting. It’s kind of like this murder mystery thing. These types of shows always have the potential to turn sour, but I’m giving this one a shot.

So far, this girl has moved to this town that everyone calls Happy Town because there’s a huge bread factory in the middle that makes the entire town smell like bread. Who wouldn’t be happy smelling bread baking 24/7? As the show progresses you learn that the town has a deep dark secret, like any other town of course. They keep referring to this “magic man” who used to make people disappear without a trace and you learn that the girl who just moved to the town has some involvement with these disappearances. And then some guy turns up dead. All ends are left loose so I must watch and see what happens next. Like I said, this show could turn sour fast, but for now I’m invested. Give it a whirl when you get a chance. It’s on Hulu.

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