Monday, May 3, 2010

Very Manic Monday

There are so many things happening in the news and part of me wants to discuss, but the other part of me just wants to forget and not even think about how ridiculous this world can be sometimes. People are going crazy over this new law passed in Arizona, which doesn’t allow illegal immigrants into the state and if you look like you could be illegal, the police are allowed to ask to see your paper work to prove you’re legal. What the news doesn’t tell you is that Arizona has been having problems with the drug cartel coming into Arizona and kidnapping people on the streets of Phoenix everyday and Arizona asked the government for help, but they didn’t do anything and that’s why this law came to be. Is it unconstitutional? For Americans yes, for illegal immigrants not really. Yes, we’re the land of the free, but I’m on the fence about this one especially because my grandparents came here from Germany and stood in line to become citizens at Ellis Island for hours and they took classes to learn English. Not many immigrants go through those important steps anymore. Then, we have people putting bombs in cars in the middle of Times Square and we have a huge oil spill off of Louisiana that could potentially harm the very important wetlands. It’s just insane. It’s as if we’re nearing an Apocalypse or something. First, the disaster in Haiti and then the volcano erupting in Iceland followed by everything else. I’m building my arc right now. What more can happen? I mean really. Even Apple and Adobe are fighting over stupid flash technology on the iPhone. If that’s not the end of the world, what is? I think the only good news I read was France banning the burka. That was all in one weekend. What more can this week bring?

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