Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Privy Monster!

Since we are on the subject of festivals, there is a festival in LA as we speak that I’m really looking forward to attending and I really hope I don’t miss it because the month of May is insane. The Ren Faire is in town. I have gone to this festival every year for the last 3 or 4 years. I don’t dress up or do anything crazy. Mostly I go for the art and shows and to see other people make fools out of themselves. There are booths lined up along the path inside the arena with all different kinds of art. Some people make leather pouches and some blow glass right in front of your eyes. It’s pretty cool. There are some really good shows too. My favorite is Moonie and Broon. They are a circus/comedy act. They normally perform separately, but at the end of each day, they combine their shows and perform together. They’re pretty funny and I stay late just to see them. One of my favorite acts they do is trying to light each other’s tongues on fire. It’s obviously set up and they can totally perform the stunt, but it’s funny to watch them try.

Another group I go to see is the Poxy Boggards. They’re a singing group that sings raunchy, funny songs. They play their own instruments and are just very talented. I saw a show where they had an interpreter and I now know how to say “sexual favors” in sign language.

Anyway, I digress. Other than the raunchy shows and art, the food is amazing. My favorite is sin on a stick. It’s a piece of cheese cake, dipped in chocolate, and served on a popsicle stick. It’s literally sin on a stick. There’s other food too, but why eat other food when you have the option to eat sin on a stick?

Sometimes I feel awkward going to the festival because the people that do dress up are kind of insane. They all speak in Renaissance English and really get into it. They drink beer out of their chalices and eat big turkey legs. It’s a total culture shock, but fun nonetheless. The beginning of summer is when all the festivals begin. It’s the best time.

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