Thursday, April 22, 2010

You Married What Now?

This was recently brought to my attention and it makes me a little mad and I have to share. There is a site I found a while back accidentally called and it shows various cool and wacky things people do as well as some things people possess. There's a new post everyday and it’s quite entertaining. The one that was sent to me yesterday makes me mad and I’m not ok with it at all. The post was titled “World’s Strongest Marriages and Relationships” and what the article shows is people getting married to inanimate objects or dead people. This one lady got married to the Eiffel Tower.

So wait, let me get this straight. She can marry a famous building in France, but gay marriage isn’t allowed. Some lady married her dead ex boyfriend but gay marriage still isn’t allowed. How does that make any sense? One guy even married a freaking pillow!

Come on now! Doesn’t this make you mad? It just doesn't make sense!

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