Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Dr is Annoying!

I am soooo over Dr. Drew. I used to listen to Love Line every night on the way home from rehearsal in college and I loved it. It was something to listen to and keep me awake and entertained on my late night drives. But then Dr. Drew started getting involved in other things like Teen Mom and making predictions about Lindsey Lohan and the next thing we all know, he’s EVERYWHERE! You can’t turn around without seeing him on TV or hearing him on the radio. Well, now he’s going to be doing a day time show on the CW. Is this guy even a real doctor? On this show he will be working with “real people” and not celebrities. I feel like all the people who call into Love Line are real and the chicks on Teen Mom are real. The only celebrity he’s ever talked about is Lindsay Lohan. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Again, I don’t even think he’s a real doctor. Please go away!

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