Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Weekend Movie – X-Men First Class

Everyone is going ape shit over the new X-Men movie. I keep seeing posts all over Facebook about it. People are either checking in to see the movie or talking about seeing it. I saw it on Saturday morning in the tiniest theatre ever, which was ridiculous considering it came out on Friday night. AMC can be a little stupid sometimes. The theatre was packed of course.

I'm not going to lie, I didn't think the movie was anything super awesome. Yes, it was entertaining and exciting, but for some reason it didn't do it for me. I still thought the movie was good, don't get me wrong, but it definitely wasn't the super awesome movie I was expecting. Also, I was so distracted by how awful Jennifer Lawrence is. The fact that she was nominated for an Academy Award and will soon play Katniss in The Hunger Games was too much for my brain. She was so awful in this movie so how the hell was she ever nominated and how the hell is she going to portray the main character in a really good book series? Part of me doesn't want to see The Hunger Game movies because of her. Maybe it's a little extreme, but I have an image of the character in my head and Jennifer Lawrence is not it.

I thought James McAvoy was freaking awesome. He always is. Although, I thought Kevin Bacon was a very weird choice. I never would have picked him. He did alright. So if you have the ability to turn your brain off and enjoy than you can see this movie, but if you're judgmental like me, maybe wait until it's $1 at the RedBox.

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