Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekend Movie- Kung Fu Panda 2

To be honest, I saw this movie last Thursday night, but we’ll call it a weekend movie. I tried to watch the first movie right before seeing this one, but I was only able to get through the first half before my privileges were taken away by free movie viewing web sites. But what I saw, I liked. The storyline was very cute so I was excited to see the second one. I was pleasantly surprised. DreamWorks is an amazing company and they do amazing things, but sometimes they have the potential to make lousy movies. This series is not one of them. It had me laughing and feeling my heart ping all at the same time. I think what I like the most is that there is a message for everyone. The first movie is all about making your own destiny and the second one is all about taking advantage of what you have and being thankful for it. I think my favorite line from the first movie is a line the wise turtle says “the past is history and the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present.” Amazing. That line will stick with me. So needless to say, I recommend the movie. The panda gets to kick more butt and win of course.

I watched a behind the scenes video from DreamWorks and the animators got to play with baby pandas before making the movie. I’m so jealous. I want to play with a baby panda. I loved seeing all the research they did with their visit to China. They did an amazing job with all the animation. Definitely a must see.

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