Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cyber Land

I’m not sure how I feel about this. I’m an avid computer user. I mean who isn’t these days? I have to use one for work, I have a laptop at home, and I even carry a mini computer in my pocket with my iPhone. I consider myself pretty good with computers. I mean I can’t build one or tell you what all the parts and words mean, but I can create a spread sheet and a Word documents and a PowerPoint presentation. I can stalk people.. I mean do research really well on the internet. I know how iTunes works or Windows Media Player for the PC world. I can upload photos and create slide shows. I can even change my display if I wanted to. So then, why would I want a computer that doesn’t have any of that? Why would I want a computer that only allows me to do one thing: search the web? Google Chrome is releasing a new laptop and that’s all it does. You turn it on and you’re sent straight to the internet. If you want to create a document or a presentation, you have to do it all on the web. You even have to save it all to the web. I don’t like this at all. I like carrying around a thumb drive with my stuff on it. The only time anyone can steal this info is if they took my thumb drive. I don’t want all my shit all over the internet for anyone to find. I mean, I guess it’s nice to be able to log onto any computer anywhere and have all your stuff right there, but I like having my own personal space that no one else can see unless I let them. Am I alone here? Check out the commercial for the product. It’s a good commercial and it explains the product really well, but I would never buy anything like this.

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