Thursday, April 28, 2011

What's In a Name?

The royal wedding is almost here and of course that means talk about it alllll over the internet. I posted the pizza from Papa Johns, the LA Times has a designated section talking about the wedding and things you can do in America to prepare, Ellen Degeneres keeps talking about it. It’s just insane. I don’t really care about it. I might take a peak at the wedding, but I’m not going to wake up at 1am to watch it live. Sure it’s interesting to keep an eye on because royalty doesn’t exist in America so seeing other royalty is kind of cool, but that’s kind of where it ends for me. But for one girl named Kate Middleton, it may never end. This girl in Massachusetts is getting hounded because her name is Kate Middleton as well. People keep asking her to talk in a British accent. Facebook even deleted her account and untagged her in all of her pictures because they thought she made a fake account. Oy vey. I guess there are at least 3 more Kate Middleton’s as well. One in Australia and 2 more in Britian. Talk about a popular name. At least the Kate Middleton in Mass is taking advantage of the press. She will be in a bike tour in July for multiple sclerosis and she promised she would ride a tandem bike with a Prince William look-a-like if everyone would help her raise $10,000. That’s kind of awesome.

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