Thursday, April 21, 2011

Los Doyers

I love baseball season. My dad used to have season tickets until they became ridiculously expensive. My family and I used to go all the time. I remember my mom used to have to bring a bag of activities for me because I wouldn't sit still while my brother would sit at attention with his glove ready to catch a fly ball and he did catch one eventually. It's on display somewhere in his old room. It made me sad last night to hear about the ridiculousness that has ensued recently with the Dodgers. Looks like the team is having financial issues so the NLB has agreed to take over. Here's the thing. Is it completely necessary for these guys to make millions of dollars to hit a ball with a stick? Is it necessary for any sports player to make that much money? They're not changing the world or curing cancer or ending hunger. I always thought it was ridiculous to make that much money. Obviously, no one will suggest lowering players salaries in order to fix the financial troubles, but it should be a suggestion. Either way, I just hope the Dodgers don't go away because of this. There are other bigger issues at hand of course, like where the hell is this money coming from and will the fans have to pay for it. I guess we will all just have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. There's no "agreed to" about it! Jud Celig has seized control over the business end of the Dodgers to make sure they get their books kept. I guess the Mets borrowed quite a big of money from the NLB recently and they want to use this Dodgers thing as precedence to go after the Mets. I hope it doesn't affect the Dodgers they have a post season worthy team and I'd hate to see them start selling off players.
