Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Store!

As many of you know, I love Pixar. I love what they do and how well they do it. I love how creative they are, but I hate that their offices are so far away. I hate that I would have to move up north to work there. The other day I discovered a well kept secret of theirs. They have a store. But here's the catch, it's only for employees and special visitors. You can't order online. You can't even find the store online. You have to have a special employee password to access the store online and you have to be a guest of the studio to even enter. I find this very interesting because usually you would think they would want to sell their merchandise to the public. I decided to do some digging and found some amazing stuff.

I want to take a road trip to Emeryville just so I can tour the studio and then end in this gift shop. And then, once I'm there I want to buy everything!

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