Thursday, March 10, 2011

Skinny Caterpillar

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is probably one of my mom's favorites books. That and Winnie The Pooh. I love the story too. I remember having a large book version as well as a pocket sized version. I loved turning the pages and seeing the caterpillar eating through different fruits and vegetables. I saw party plates and what not with this theme at Target not too long ago and I was so excited. Anytime a new baby is born, this is the best gift. Get this book and the stuffed worm from the book and it's the best gift ever. Well, now pediatricians want to use this book to teach kids about healthy eating habits and of course the love for reading. I think this is kind of awesome. Since so many kids are either obese or on the verge of obesity, this book is perfect because it shows the caterpillar eating healthy foods before he turns into a butterfly. So next week, The American Academy of Pediatrics will send out 17,000 copies of this book along with growth charts and parent handouts on healthy eating to various schools. I kind of want one.

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