Friday, March 4, 2011

Fail Blog Friday

Kind of gross. So, I posted that Justin Bieber cut his hair. Well, he went on the Ellen DeGeneres show with a lock of his hair and told her to auction it off for the Gentle Barn charity, which is an animal rescue foundation. He even signed the case he put his hair in. That tiny bit of hair with his signature sold for $40,668 on eBay. I’m happy that the money is going to charity, but holy shit. Part of me wonders if the person who bought the hair is just an animal lover who wanted to send money to the rescue foundation and will just either resell or throw away the Bieber Fever locks. I’m kind of hoping for that actually. No one knows who won yet because the screen name for the eBay winner is "a***0." This person also gets to meet Justin the next time he goes on the Ellen show. I guess we shall see what happens. I’m getting my hair cut tomorrow; maybe I should go on Ellen….