Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weeknight Movie - The Social Network

Well, I watched The Social Network last night. Wow those guys are douche bags. Everyone pretty much knows the premise, right? Mike Zuckerberg is being sued for stealing the idea of Facebook. He kind of did. I mean he was presented with an idea and even though he made it bigger and better, he still took the original concept and made it his own and took all the credit. I would be pissed and sue him too. The script is amazing. It definitely deserved to win best screenplay, but best movie...I'm not so sure about that. Yes, it's a well done movie, but I don't know that it deserves a huge award.

Jesse Eisenberg is a little bit of amazing. I loved him in Zombieland and I was sure he was going to be type cast as the same kid for the rest of his life, but he actually played a character/real person in The Social Network and he does a good job. He's a strong, douche bag guy as opposed to the nerdy kid who has low self esteem. Bravo Jesse. You have officially branched out of the nerdy guy roles.

I definitely think everyone should see the movie. Yeah, it's about kids who hack and invent because they can and that can be kind of annoying, but if you have a Facebook page, which I'm sure you all do, this movie is worth seeing just to see the invention of the thing that runs all our lives. Also, I had no idea the Napster guy had so much to do with Facebook.

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