Thursday, January 6, 2011

Own the World

Well, Oprah's network has gone live. Is there anything that woman doesn't touch in this world. People jokingly say she owns the world, but I don't think it's a joke anymore. Yes, she's over come a lot in her life and this is all probably well deserved, but damn woman. Share the wealth.

I'm sure none of you live under a rock, but I will talk about the network anyway. It's called OWN (the Oprah Winfrey Newtwork) in case you didn't know where the name came from. Oprah claims she started the network because she wants to help women realize their dreams and make them come true. I'm not sure how she plans to accomplish that through a television network, but it's a good idea. At least she didn't say she started it to create world peace or something. I haven't watched it yet because I didn't even know I got the channel until last week, so I'm not sure what she has to offer. I do know there will be a lot of reality shows on there though.

Oprah makes me want to go out there and play with little children or something good. She's always trying to achieve some sort of greatness.

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