Thursday, January 20, 2011


Will there ever come a point where we all get sick of technology? I think I’m beginning to find the abundance of technology a little annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I love my iPhone and all the things I can do with it, but there’s a limit to the insanity. Starbucks, Disney, super markets, etc are making it so that the iPhone, iPod Touch, and Blackberry can act as digital wallets. You can take a club card, gift certificate, etc and plug the numbers into your phone and create a bar code that baristas can scan at the time of your purchases. The iPhone has been able to do this for a few months now, but more and more phones and companies are following suit. I watch my roommates plug in numbers and create bar codes for their super market cards, while I keep the little cards in my wallet and make the checkers scan them. I don’t want my phone to run my life. It’s bad enough that book stores are going out of business because we can all read on our phones and computers. It’s bad enough that I don’t need to remember anything because I can look it up on my phone. Sometimes I want to get rid of my smart phone and go back to the old school ways. I know people are starting to get sick of 3-D so I’m kind of hoping people will start getting sick of the fact that our phones are running our lives.

1 comment:


    how bout 3d phones?
