Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Return

The rumors are true. Gwyneth Paltrow is coming back to Glee. No one knows when yet, but she was so liked by the cast and fans that the producers are bringing her back. I'm not going to lie, she was very cute/good on the show. Normally, she does nothing for me. I always thought she was kind of a boring actress, but on Glee she was fun and she can actually sing. I'm kind of looking forward to her return. Glee isn't returning until after the Super Bowl, which isn't too far away. They're taking a break to allow American Idol to have it's turn. Barf. Looks like the cast is going on tour again, which should be fun. Their show last year was freaking incredible. I think I've given up on focusing on the lack of story line and hating Kurt and have just focused on the songs and the fun of it all. At least for now...

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