Friday, December 10, 2010

Fail/Nonfail Blog Friday

The Walking Dead finale has aired and I want to know what happens next!!!! I want to read the comic books and kind of ruin it for myself. I was reading up on my zombies and The Walking Dead and found out the second season won’t air until October 2011!!! They’re joking right? You can’t do that. You can’t leave an intrigued audience hanging at the end of the finale and then keep them hanging for another year. I call that cruel and unusual punishment. Not only that, but it seems like bad publicity for the show. Will people even remember the show next October? This show makes me want to rent every zombie movie ever and once that’s done, my obsession might cease. Come on AMC. You can’t do this!!! If you haven’t watched any of the episodes, you have to. My mom thinks it’s dumb, but she’s never been a zombie fan. Maybe it’s a generational thing. I want zombies!!! RAWR.

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