Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Is anyone watching The Walking Dead? There have only been 2 episodes, but I'm pretty intrigued already. It's pretty much a drawn out zombie movie and I'm ok with that. If you've missed it, the first episode is on Hulu and the second episode you kind of have to find on your own. For some reason Hulu will only show the first episode. It's on AMC so you should start recording it or watching it live.

Like any other zombie movie or TV show, the entire world has been taken over by zombies and those who happened to survive are trying to stay safe and not get eaten by the zombies. So far, nothing unusual has happened, but because the show will be in one hour segments, it keeps you coming back for more because so little happens in each episode. You still don't even know how everyone became infected. There are some things that don't follow the zombie way such as the zombies having the ability to jog and they have upper body strength, which is something they shouldn't have. One zombie was able to hop a fence while another was able to break a window with a rock. So I call bullshit on that, but I guess it would make things a little boring if the writers didn't break some rules.

So if you're a zombie movie fan, this show is for you. It's not scary like I thought it might be. Like I can watch it at night and not have nightmares. Some of you might be different though. Just know that I'm a major chicken shit and I've been ok.

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