Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekend Movie - RED

Finally! I saw a movie this past weekend. I haven't seen one in forever so it felt nice.

Retired, Extremely Dangerous. The title is a bit odd until you see the movie and then it makes total sense. RED is the stamp that's put on the folders of those who are retired, but still possess all the CIA skills to kill. I went into the movie expecting nothing because I heard mixed reviews, but the movie was awesome. I'm not the biggest fan of Bruce Willis, but he was pretty awesome in this movie. The stunt and action sequences made my entire week. They weren't just your everyday explosions. They were people being blown up and cars spinning and all this stuff. They were very clever in execution and it made old people look like bad asses. I found myself a tiny bit bored by the story and just wanted to see more people get blown up, but for the most part this movie is a must see.

The kids behind me decided that they were sitting in their living room and not a theatre so they were talking out loud and commenting on everything in the movie. I almost killed them, but decided they could live. This movie is still in the top 10 and it's been out for some time so you should all hit the theatres and go see it. And then when it comes out on DVD you should go out and buy it and watch it over and over again.

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