Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tangled Is It

Looks like Tangled will be Disney’s last princess movie for a while. Disney realized that only little girls are interested in princess movies and once these little girls hit a certain age, they don’t care anymore. So, if you’ve noticed, Tangled is geared towards boys and girls. They’ve made the male character in the movie just as prominent as the female character and instead of calling the movie Repunzel, they named the movie Tangled. Smart Disney, smart.

I find it interesting that Disney is more interested in appealing to larger audiences rather than getting rid of bad messages. I’m a Disney movie lover, don’t get me wrong, but the messages are awful. All the princesses need men to be happy otherwise they die from a red apple or stay in a deep sleep forever. Oy vey. So needless to say, I’m not too sad to see the princess movies go. Yeah, Disneyland and everything about Disneyland will still be about the princesses, but I just choose to see that as women running the happiest place on Earth. Works for me.

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