Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Rehab Disney

A sad day for another child "star." Demi Lovato has checked herself into rehab. Everyone associates the word rehab with drugs, especially when it comes to celebrities, but for Demi it's because she's depressed, has an eating disorder, and she has been cutting herself. I guess she checked herself into rehab right after fighting with a member of her entourage. I love Disney, but they do kind of suck on souls.

She's touring with the Jo Bros and that has to be tough for many reasons. One reason because she dated one of them and they broke up and instead of walking away, she has to see him every single day. Another reason is because their fans can be completely insane. Plus, I hear touring is super lonely. So she has Disney sucking on her soul, she has an ex boyfriend she has to see everyday, and she's probably lonely. I would probably be depressed too. But then I look at it from another angle. She's getting to tour with a very popular group, she's making tons of money, and she's working with Disney. Sounds kind of good to me. Either way, I hope it's nothing too serious. She was kind of good when she was on Grey's Anatomy. She could have the potential to break free from Disney and be a real actress.

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