Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rama Ramama

Talk about obsession. The University of South Carolina has developed a sociology course dedicated to Lady Gaga. Would you take this class? Maybe out of sheer curiosity, but otherwise…? The professor, Mathieu Deflem, is a fan of Gaga’s and has been to 30 of her shows. That’s kind of insane. He said the class will focus on Gaga as a social event rather than her singing and life. He wants to focus on why she has 10 million Facebook followers and 6 million Twitter followers. The course description says it aims to “unravel some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga with respect to her music, videos, fashion, and other artistic endeavors.” If that’s the case, it seems odd to me to focus on Lady Gaga only. The class should focus on celebrities in general and why people are so interested in their every move and how and why they came to be. I took a bunch of sociology classes in college and there was never focus on one single person. The focus was on a race and how they went about their life differently than others. How do you gage society if you only focus on one single person? It seems weird that the college would allow a sociology class like this. The class has a blog and I’m kind of interested in following what the hell goes on. The course starts in spring. I wonder how Lady Gaga feels about this.

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