Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekend Movie - Resident Evil: Afterlife

Another weekend means another form of entertainment to keep my small mind occupied. My roommates and I decided to see the movie Resident Evil:Afterlife, which is the 4th installment of a series. I've heard of the movies, but never saw any of them or ever knew anything about them so before the movie, they made me watch the third Resident Evil so I would know what was going on. It's about a virus that has escaped and turned the entire world into zombies. Alice, the main character was injected with the virus, but instead of becoming a zombie, she became super human and the movie is about her trials and tribulations of trying to escape testing. The third movie was very entertaining. I like a good zombie movie and this one kept me entertained. So I had a feeling I would like the 4th one. Not so much. It was so incredibly cheesy it was hard to take anything seriously. First of all, Alice is cloned and she finds out about her clones in the third movie and decides to use her clones to create an army to destroy the company who created the virus. The CG and split screens to show more than one Alice is terrible! You know they spent so much money on that movie. Why would you slack off on the CG?!?!

The rest of the movie was far fetched and I couldn't help but laugh at a lot of scenes. I know I know. It's a zombie movie, it's already far fetched, but this was even worse. Anything can happen, so when I see virus outbreak, I don't think it's too far fetched, but when someone tries to land a plane on a tiny roof top, it's far fetched. When you know to shoot a zombie in the head to kill it, don't shoot it in the chest. Common sense people. Anyway, the movie was number one at the box office this weekend so it does have a following and the ending was left hanging so there will be a fifth movie.

The movie was made in 3D, but we found a theatre that was showing it in 2D, so we got lucky. I don't know that I could have handled all the zombies jumping out at me in 3D. The one thing that was pretty awesome about the movie were the action sequences. Girls kicking ass is pretty hot, but other than that this movie stays off my favorites list.

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