Wednesday, September 15, 2010


American Idol judges are dropping like flies! I guess there’s only so much bad singing one person can handle. Paula was more than likely fired because she’s insane, Ellen is way too good to be a judge, and Simon doesn’t want to do it anymore. So that leaves Randy all alone with Ryan Seacrest. I feel for him. So that leaves Fox looking for new judges. Jennifer Lopez is at the top of their list right now, which is kind of interesting to me. She’s had a singing career, but I feel she would be best suited on So You Think You Can Dance or something along those lines. She’s more of a dancer than anything. It looks like she’s trying to make all these deals with Fox too. She said she wants $21 million to do one season with Idol, a movie deal with Fox, and a TV deal with Fox. Talk about taking advantage of the situation. I mean $21 million just to listen to people sing and then promptly judge them? That’s a lot of freaking money and then to add a TV and movie deal to the mix. That’s insane to me. I would be surprised if Fox goes for it. She’s not exactly the biggest money maker around. She used to be for sure, but now she’s kind of whatever. I think it’s time for American Idol to disappear. I think it’s run its course….

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