Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dancing With Who?

Have you seen the new line-up for Dancing With The Stars? It’s pretty laughable:

Singer, Brandy
Actress, Jennifer Grey
Comedian, Margaret Cho
Audrina Patridge (‘The Hills’)
Actress, performer, and talk show host, Florence Henderson
Bristol Palin (daughter of Sarah Palin)
Singer, Michael Bolton
Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino (‘Jersey Shore’)
Actor, David Hasselhoff
Former NFL player, Kurt Warner
Actor, Kyle Massey
Former NBA player & actor, Rick Fox

Seriously! How ridiculous is this list? Brandy, Jennifer Grey, Kurt Warner, Kyle Massey, Rick Fox, and even David Hasselhoff make sense, but the rest…. The guy who calls himself “The Situation” from the Jersey Shore is going to be on the show? Even freaking Bristol Palin is going to be on the show?!?! You’ve got to be kidding me. I honestly have no words. Sarah Palin’s reputation is diminished more and more every day and the guy from Jersey Shore isn’t a “star” and therefore shouldn’t qualify for this show. Margaret Cho makes me sad. I like her and her major potty mouth. Why would she do a washed up show like this? I kind of want to watch this season just because I want to see how insane it is. I mean who decided to bring these people on the show? I feel like they should be fired or something. I’m semi hoping this list is a joke or a publicity stunt.

1 comment:

  1. I really admire Jennifer Grey for having the guts to go back dancing on DWTS for her former co-star.
