Wednesday, September 1, 2010

And Then There Were None

The Persons Unknown mini series has come to a close and I feel even more confused now than I was when I first started watching. I was excited to watch each week until new questions kept popping up without any answers. I felt like I was chasing a mouse on a never ending string. Of course, the ads for the show kept saying questions would be answered by the end, but I don’t feel that way. This is a mini series so leaving things open in the end isn’t welcome. The ending of the series was very interesting and my mouth was wide open, but I still want to know why these people were kidnapped and trapped in a random ghost town. Their kidnappers kept saying it was for the betterment of society, but what does that even mean? The characters in the show never did anything in their everyday lives to cause anyone to feel the need to “better society” by kidnapping them. They’re all just ordinary people who were kidnapped and trapped in a town. It was established from the beginning that these people had nothing to offer. They weren't super heroes or drug dealers so why kidnap them? What could they possibly offer a program determined to better society? It would have made more sense if the kidnapped people had something the "program" wanted or needed. I thought maybe later down the line we would find out that these people were in fact valuable, but that was never the case. The group that did the kidnapping is revealed, but the audience never knows who they are and why they came into existence. Unless I missed something along the way, I feel like nothing was answered.

The show was definitely an interesting show regardless of unanswered questions. Obviously, it’s frustrating to not know what really happened, but overall the show had me pretty engaged. For those who don’t remember or those who haven’t been paying attention, the premise of the show is pretty simple. Seven people were kidnapped and placed in a ghost town. From there, they try to find their way out and try to figure out why they have been chosen for this kidnapping all while being watched through cameras by this “secret society.” The show is based on the book “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie, which I have yet to read. I saw the book in the book store not too long ago, but I didn’t grab it. I really want to read it now because I wonder how close the two are. I know for a fact the ending is different, but what about the rest. Maybe some of my questions will be answered.

There was a movie called Persons Unknown made in 1996 and the trailer looks kind of cool too.

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