Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend Movie - Leap Year

Since it was a long weekend, I decided renting movies was a good idea. It was freaking hot outside and it seemed like a good idea to sit inside with the fan blowing and movies going. Leap Year was one of the Blockbuster choices. I heard not so great things about the movie when it was in theatres and it lasted a very short period of time, but it has Amy Adams in it so I decided to give it a shot. Bad idea. It was so boring. Romantic comedies can be boring sometimes, but this one was just painful. Girl tries to get to boyfriend to propose and falls in love with another man on the way. They end up together and live happily ever after. Blah blah. It made me sad to see how boring the movie was. Amy Adams is never boring. This was just a bad choice for her. So needless to say I don't recommend this movie, but I hope everyone had an awesome 3 days off.

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