Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Food Trucks Galore

I almost forgot to post a blog this morning. I've been so wrapped up in the fact that you can pre-order the new iPhone. I have been staring at the screen for about an hour now. I set it all up and the last step I have to do is pay for the damn thing. Is it awesome, totally. Should I save the money for something that I actually need, probably. Sigh.

Anyway, on to today's blog. Last night, my friends and I decided to embark on a new adventure: eating from famous food trucks. The Grilled Cheese Truck was even involved. When I wrote the blog a bit ago about the Grilled Cheese Truck, I never thought I would actually get the chance to visit it or even see it in person. Well, let me tell you, it was there and awesome and everyone else thought so too. The line was very long. Apparently, I wasn't the only one coming to the food truck event wanting grilled cheese from an orange truck. The event was at the Americana in Glendale and it was called Street Feast. According to something I read yesterday, this event happens quite often. Food trucks come together in one spot and just feed the masses. My friends and I ended up waiting in line for the PattyWagon for about 30 minutes or so and it was very worth it. We got mini burgers with very crispy fries and Spanish Coca Cola. All for only $9. The truck also had signs all over it showing that the food was healthy and didn't contain chemicals. The cows were all fed with fresh grass before they were slaughtered and made into juicy burgers for my consumption and they used farmers to supply them with lettuce and tomatoes. See? All fresh. We wanted to visit the Coolhaus Truck, which serves amazing ice cream sandwiches, but that line was even longer than the grilled cheese line. So we decided to pass and just eat burgers.

There were a bunch of other food trucks I wanted to visit, but didn't get a chance. There was the Buttermilk Truck, which as you can imagine serves pancakes and french toast. It smelled soooo good. The Flying Pig was another truck, but the food looked really scary. Pork snout and the like. Bleh. All of these trucks had really long lines except for the Comfort Truck, which surprised me a little. It served all comfort food and no one was biting (all pun intended). I guess no one in Glendale likes fried chicken. Overall, it was a very fun event and I would go back again. Even if it means waiting in line for an hour.

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