Thursday, May 20, 2010

Shooting the Spit

I kept this a secret until today, but the excitement has overwhelmed me and I must share. Tonight, 3 of my friends and I are going to see the cast of Glee live. We will officially be Gleeks tonight, which by the way means the build up of saliva in the salivary glands and the pushing of the tongue against those glands causing spit to shoot out, but we're going to ignore that definition for now. I saw Lea Michele at the Hollywood Bowl in Les Miserables when no one knew who she was and she was utterly amazing and I freaked out, so if you see a story on the news about some crazed fan running across the stage, it just might be me. You know you're all jealous. Happy Gleek day!!!!


  1. Can we please go one week without making me want to gag! I mean really, we all know what a gleek is did you really have to go into detail?

    Other then that, Super Excited!
