Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Oy vey. I was never the biggest fan of Tyra Banks and after her most recent stunt; I don’t think that will ever change. In October of 2008, my friends and I decided to brave the movie Quarantine on opening night. Yeah, we knew it was a dumb idea, but we didn’t realize that until it was too late. We are all forever scared of rabies, especially in people. Well, the other day on the Tyra Banks show, which I thought was canceled long ago, she pretended to have rabies. She talks about how she was jogging and a dog bit her on the leg. She went to the hospital and told them the dog was foaming and it turned out the dog had rabies and she needed to get a shot, etc. She asks for some water and then she begins foaming at the mouth and suddenly turns into a dog… Now, why she thought turning into a dog was something that happens when humans have rabies is beyond me, but the fact that she pretended to have rabies in the first place, is just not ok with me. Not only because of my fears from Quarantine, but because her audience members were seriously worried about her. The looks on their faces is of concern. Why was her show never canceled?

1 comment:

  1. Now to be fair, I didn't listen to the video, I just watched it. So maybe whatever she said at the end absolves her, but if all she said was "Welcome to the Trya Show!" Then she's just as ridiculous as she appears to be. Why on earth would you do that? You just look silly ...
