Thursday, May 13, 2010

3D Overload

This 3D business has gotten way out of control. Every single movie is 3D now, they introduced a 3D TV, and they even have 3D chalk for kids. I’ll have to admit, the chalk is cool, but we already live in a 3D world. The need for 3D everything is a little overwhelming. My coworkers and I were having a conversation yesterday about 3D and how ridiculous it’s become. One guy said he even saw 3D toothpaste. Isn’t toothpaste 3D already…? I’m confused. Actually, I argue that toothpaste is 4D because we can taste it and feel it. Anyway, this morning KROQ was discussing 3D porn. Wow. 3D porn. That’s insane. I mean I guess it makes sense because you want the people to seem real, but that would be creepy to me. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. One chick even claims she got pregnant by watching 3D porn while her husband was away in Iraq. This makes me laugh. Talk about a lame excuse. I'm pretty sure this is not how 3D works. Sorry for the annoying guy in the video, but he gives the best description.

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