Thursday, May 27, 2010

Couple Crush

This is going to sound ridiculous, but I’m not ashamed to say it out loud. I’m in love with a fake couple. Callie and Arizona from Grey’s Anatomy give me the warm and fuzzies. I find myself watching scenes with the 2 of them over and over on YouTube or Hulu. They had a rough patch on the show recently and it was very sad, but in the season finale last week, they fixed it and hopefully they just keep going up from here. They are just so freaking awesome. They’re loving and caring and everything I want in a relationship and the fact that they’re two girls makes it even better. I have watched lesbian couples on TV before and I never really cared, but there’s something about this couple that I can’t get enough of. Maybe because they aren’t always making out and full of drama. Maybe it’s because they are very real. Also, both actresses are very attractive so that helps. The L Word was full of weird not so attractive girls. The girl Callie dated before Arizona wasn’t so hot so I never really cared about her, plus she treated Callie like crap and Arizona and Callie treat each other very nicely. See, I told you this was ridiculous, but I had to get it out there or I was going to explode. I have to wait the entire summer to see them again. I will just have to rent all of the past seasons and watch them over and over.

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