Monday, April 26, 2010

Medieval Monday

Yesterday was incredibly adventurous and something I had never thought of doing, ever. My friends and I braved Disneyland in the heat, but not only that, we went to Medieval Times for dinner. How crazy is that? Who does that? We pretty much went to 3 theme parks in one day. It took us about an hour to get into Disneyland because for some ridiculous reason, Disneyland closed their main parking lot. We found out later that Disneyland thinks it’s a good idea to close their main lot mid morning and then reopen again in the afternoon. How that makes any sense baffles me, but Disneyland is God and we must not question.

So we left Disneyland at 4:30 or so to make the trek back to the car and made our way to Medieval Times. We were placed on the blue knight’s team. Our knight totally looked like a girl so I named her Britney and we rooted her on during the sword fight. Medieval Times is one of those places where you can go once or twice and never go again and live life fully. Last night was my third time going and it was more fun than I thought it would be. Obviously, going with friends makes things more fun. Our waiter sucked, but he was in training so I guess we could give him some slack. I freaking hate eating in the dark. Eating with my hands gets annoying, but eating in the dark is the worst thing ever. They serve chicken and that is one food that I must eat in the light in order to inspect. I only eat white meat and I don’t eat the veins. How am I supposed to know what I’m eating when it’s dark? At one point, they brought up the lights and I had been eating the dark meat. Barf!

Anyway, no one cares about my weird eating habits. The show itself can get a tiny bit cheesy. The guys playing the knights are stunt men obviously, but they suck just a tiny bit. The acting is terrible and there has to be a better way to fall off a horse and make us believe you. They joust and then fall off their horses by dramatically tumbling off. Even the kids have to think this shit sucks. The story is really hard to follow as well. I get that we’re supposed to feel like royal people eating and watching a show, but then they try to sneak in a story line and I’m all lost. The language they use might as well be French. We got cool cups and a picture with us and some weird lady so I guess it was all worth it.


  1. Okay, guess that's the last time we take you to Meeeeeeeddddiiiiieeeevvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal TIMES!!

  2. My mom thinks you're crazy for not LOVING it!
