Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hef The Great

You learn something new everyday. My favorite thing to look at in all of Los Angeles is the Hollywood sign. I don’t know what it is about that sign, but when I see it, I get kind of gaga and I just want to stare at it. Not too long ago, one of my friends and I found a route to get pretty close to the sign. It was kind of amazing to be sitting below this larger than life sign. It just means so many things to so many people. What a lot of people don’t know is that the sign used to read Hollywoodland and “land” slid off a while back and Hollywood stayed. This isn’t what I learned. The thing that I learned about this is that the Hollywoodland sign was put on the hillside as an ad for a real estate development called Hollywoodland created in 1923. I had no freaking idea. I never really asked why or how the sign got there I was just fascinated by its presence. Well, it looks like the real estate companies never stopped wanting that land on the hillside.

In February the sign was covered with new letters to read Save the Peak because real estate companies wanted to demolish the sign and build super expensive homes. Can you imagine Hollywood if that sign went away after being there since 1923? Luckily, Hugh Hefner stepped in and donated $900,000 to keep the sign after Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks donated quite a bit of money themselves. It cost about $2 million to keep the sign in tact. Out of all the people, I guess Hef is the best candidate to finalize this deal. I mean who has that kind of money just lying around? Either way, I could buy Playboy for the rest of my life just to support him for saving that damn sign. The hillside and sign now belong to Griffith Park. Yay for Hollywood!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that they were thinking about demolishing it. Go Hugh!
