Monday, April 19, 2010

Manic Monday

We all know the new trend is to go green as our planet dies because we are all gross human beings who don't care about the Earth. I do have to admit that there are a lot of cool things you can do to be considered green. Solar panels are kind of cool. Just the thought behind them is pretty freaking cool. Making items out of biodegradable materials is cool too. If you have seen the most recent Sun Chips commercial, their new bag breaks down over time and turns into a flower in the sun. Pretty cool again.

My most recent discovery is at Disneyland. Almost everyone who goes to Disneyland has some sort of pin collection. There are some people who buy every single pin they can find and then walk around with 500 pounds of pins around their neck trading with everyone they see and then there are some like me who just see cool ones and get those and keep them at home for their own enjoyment.

Recently, I found a new green collection of pins. The paper backing that the pin comes on is lined with wildflower seeds so when you take your pin off, you can literally plant the piece of paper and watch wildflowers grow. I was so excited when I found this collection. I even bought a really cute flower pot from Michael's so I could plant it. Turns out I accidentally threw the paper with the seeds away and I will need to get another one, but at least I can sleep happy knowing that somewhere in a dump site, a flower will be growing soon because of my Disneyland pin purchase.

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