Sunday, October 2, 2011

Weekend Movie - The Help

I finally got to see The Help and it was everything everyone said it would be. I expected something awesome and it was definitely awesome. Emma Stone is amazing, Viloa Davis is amazing. All the other acting is amazing too. It kind of made me want to read the book, but not too much because I've heard the movie is very different from the book so I'll probably just stick with the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, you should. It's for guys too so all you guys out there shouldn't feel weird for seeing it. I'm not even sure what more to say. The plot is well displayed in the previews and the title. I can't believe that life was the way it was and it's still this way in Mississippi. I can't believe that people treat other people this way. It makes me sad, but the movie is uplifting in that you see people starting to stand up for themselves. Ugh! I always have a million things going through my head while I'm watching movies, but then when it comes time to write about them, I can't think of anything so forgive me for being brief. Just go see it for yourself.

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