Thursday, August 25, 2011

Midweek Movie - Circumstance

So I follow this one blog written by someone with the pen name Dorothy Snarker. She mainly writes about lesbian topics because she's a lesbian. Sometimes her stuff is really interesting. The other day she posted a blog about lesbian movies and how there really aren't any good ones. She also posted 3 new movie trailers for lesbian movies and how they might have potential and the one she mentioned that seemed to have the most potential was playing at USC last night for the cinema students so I decided to drop in.

The movie is called Circumstance and the trailer looks amazing. I was very excited for this movie. It's a foreign independent film written by a NYU Masters student. Even better! It won some good awards at the Sundance Film Festival so I hoped that this movie would be awesome. Unfortunately, it wasn't. It made me really sad. I had such high expectations for it, but it flopped majorly.

First of all, the students in the theatre chose to laugh at the most ridiculous things that I felt weren't funny in the least. That kind of ruined some things for me. Second of all, this was hardly a lesbian story. The movie takes place in Iran where girls are supposed to be prim and proper. The 2 main girls, who are best friends are anything but what Iranians expect women to be. They go out and party and they smoke and do drugs and have sex, but obviously they're suppose to come home and cook and clean. These girls are rebellious. The reason why I don't feel this movie is a lesbian movie is because these girls seem to kiss and have sex with each other just to be rebellious. I never got the sense that they actually loved each other. Especially because one of the girls marries the others girls brother and claims she did it for her. It was just very silly. Plus, the brother was a major creeper and yet afterwards the director said she wanted everyone to have sympathy for him. I had none. He was a fucking nut. He set up video cameras around the house and watched his family do their every day things for fun. Creeper!

I'm going to email Dorothy Snarker today and tell her that even though the trailer looks amazing, the movie is a waste of time. Very sad. Needless to say, I don't recommend this movie. Here's the misleading trailer. Looks amazing right? Don't be fooled.

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