Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Buena Vista Street

I lived 4.9 miles away from the Walt Disney Studios for 22 years. Buena Vista Street was a main street that I traveled on every single day multiple times a day. And therefore the Buena Vista Street being built at California Adventure is very exciting to me. It will literally be like going home. To think that Walt Disney came to this very street in 1923 to fulfill his dreams is kind of awesome to me. I lived 4.9 miles away from his dream studio! That’s so cool, but I’m a huge fan so I might be alone here. Either way, I wanted to share a few images and a fly through video of the new street. It’s very cool and I can’t wait for this to be finished. I believe the opening will be sometime in 2012. Very soon! Also, the statue above will be the main statue of the street similar to the one in front of the castle where Walt is holding Mickey's hand. The Buena Vista Street statue depicts Mickey and Walt with their luggage coming to Burbank for the first time. Many people don't know that Walt was a real person, which baffles me and the goal behind this street to show that he was a real man with a dream. Love it!

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